What New Features to Expect in iPhone 15 Pro Max Model

iPhone 15 Pro Max model is likely to embed more advanced features including an A17 Bionic chipset, extended storage, frosted back glass finish, and more.

What New Features to Expect in iPhone 15 Pro Max Model

iPhone 15 Pro Max's pre-arrival boom has caused a deep chatter in the market about its preliminary features. However, for tech enthusiasts, there is much to remain glued with upcoming news to keep a peeking eye on iPhone's newly revealed features. Among many rumors in the atmosphere, iPhone 15 is expected to be the most advanced iPhone, embedding some of the unique features that you had probably not felt in the iPhone 14 and its predecessors.

Some of the features that are likely to appear in the new upcoming iPhone 15 Pro Max are the use of an A17 Bionic chipset, extended storage, USB-C port, frosted back glass finish, and Sony’s ToF sensor.

Use of A17 Bionic Chipset in iPhone 15 Pro Max

Ice Universe in its Twitter handle anticipated iPhone 15 Pro Max to use the A17 Bionic chipset apart from the Bionic chipset that had been used in prior iPhone models. However, only iPhone Pro models will be embedded with the particular chipset only, they cited. This would certainly increase the phone's capabilities in processing tasks in a more agile and efficient way.  

iPhone 15 Pro Frosted Back Glass Finish

iPhone 15 Finish | Forbes

Some of the images floating around the internet suggest iPhone 15 to introduced a frosted back glass finish solely for pro models. That means only iPhone 15 Pro and Max models to get the feature. It also adds a premium look to the device, making it stand out from its predecessors. The frosted back may also enhance the durability of the device by making it more scratch-resistant. However, it is uncertain whether the finish will be available in multiple colors or limited to a specific option.

iPhone 15 Pro Max with an Extended RAM

Unlike the former iPhones, Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max is likely to arrive with a large extended memory allowing consumers more space and faster multi-tasking. Apple iPhone 15 is hoped to introduce Sony’s ToF sensor but uncertainty whirls as well. However, it would enhance the user experience for sure.

iPhone 15 Pro With Dynamic Colors

With less alteration but the fusion of new deep colors in the new iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max is yet a piece of exciting news. As cited by Forbes, iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus are more likely to get launched in the new cyan color options.

iPhone 15 new cyan color | 9techeleven.com

The use of these dynamic colors on the sleek design of the iPhone 15 series is expected to be a visual treat for users, making it a popular choice among iPhone enthusiasts. Apple's ability to consistently innovate and cater to the changing demands of its users is what sets it apart from its competitors.

iPhone 15 Release Date

The iPhone 15 is expected to arrive in September 2023 or earlier, with its official name yet to be confirmed by Apple. It remains uncertain whether it will be called the "Pro," "Plus," or "Ultra" model. Stay tuned for further updates on this highly anticipated release.


In conclusion, the upcoming iPhone 15 Pro Max is generating excitement among tech enthusiasts with its rumored features, including the A17 Bionic chipset, extended storage, USB-C port, frosted back glass finish, and Sony's ToF sensor. Apple is expected to release the phone by September 2023 or earlier. While some of the features are uncertain, the iPhone 15 Pro Max promises to be a highly advanced smartphone that builds on the success of its predecessors.