Featured Ads
What are Featured Ads?
Featured Ads is a paid promotion feature in GilgitApp where sellers pay a non-refundable fee to promote their products on GilgitApp. To use the featured ads, users need to pay a certain amount of money through a valid payment method to show their ads in a particular location for a certain period of time. Their ads will be shown across our website and mobile application. Featured products get top spots on GilgitApp and get more visibility.
Which Payment Methods Are Accepted?
We accept credit/debit card, Easypaisa and Jazzcash.
Are Featured Ads Refundable?
No, featured ads aren't refundable.
Do Featured Ads Guarantee Sales?
No, we are not guaranteeing any sales through featured ads. We promote your products to get maximum visibility through views and clicks.
How Many Products Can I Feature?
You can get featured as many products.