Army Dog Center Fateh Jang 03458966073/khoji kuttay available
Army Dog Center Fateh Jang contact number our detective dog catch thevies 03018665280 Army Dog Center Pakistan | 0300 9195279
Army dog Center Pakistan providing services with highly trained dogs to help you in case of any emergency, robbery, murder and kidnapping, and any of the incidents that happen.consequently Our purpose is to help you out with our trained Dogs to find evidence and clues.
So you can contact Amy time with Army Dog Center Pakistan l 0300 9195279.
Contact Us
Role of Army Detective dogs
Army and law enforcement agencies often employ highly trained detective dogs for various purposes, including detecting criminal activities such as robbery, murder, and kidnapping and these dogs are typically known as working dogs, and they can be trained for different roles, including:
1. Detection Dogs:
These dogs are trained to sniff out specific scents, such as explosives, drugs, and firearms. In the context of solving crimes like robbery and murder, they can be used to search